Improving the environment in Moldova


Republic of Moldova

Project name: Improving the environment of Moldova by using Czech environmental technologies
produced in cooperation of Czech-Moldovan companies 
Financed by: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
Implemented by: Ircon, Ltd., TopolWater Ltd., MEGA a.s., StS SlováckoTesla a.s., Vodatech Ltd.
Project partner: Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Republic of Moldova
Implementation period: 2005-2008

The project aimed to reduce the negative environmental impacts of local industries and municipalities, which was achieved by increasing the availability of environmental technologies in the recipient country through a systemic approach to environmental protection in Moldovan industrial enterprises and municipalities. Under the leadership of the implementation team, the possibilities of introducing preventive measures were identified and technological proposals for the effective implementation of environmental technologies were developed. All technical proposals, developed with the aim of minimizing the capacity of the necessary equipment and thus reducing the investment costs associated with their implementation, were based on the application of Czech environmental technologies. The availability of environmental technologies was further supported by the transfer of relevant know-how from the Czech Republic, the training of Moldovan partners and the establishment of joint Czech-Moldovan companies focused on the production of these technologies. This project followed on from the ZRP ČR project, implemented in Moldova in the last years. 

Characteristics of delivered services / products:

  • Extensive support for the acceptance of new legislation in the field of wastewater treatment,
  • Supporting interested government bodies and municipal representatives in accepting a new approach to wastewater treatment,
  • Support for the use of new technologies in the field of water management,
  • Support in obtaining new information in the field of water management for municipalities, NGOs and private entities,
  • Preparation and implementation of study trips to the Czech Republic for representatives of local companies to support a modern approach to wastewater treatment in Moldova,
  • Assistance in starting the production of environmental technologies in Moldova,
  • Promoting employment and education.
Ircon > References > Environmental Technologies > Improving the environment in Moldova