Implementation anti-drought measures in Braviceni, Moldova


Non-adequate approaches in soil processing and application of fertilizers, along with application of non-adequate species and overall low level of know-how in the area of water management and prevention of droughts have brought one flourishing Moldovan agriculture into deterioration and halt.

The aim of this project is to develop a new system in soil processing along with water management practices, incl. utilisation of all available water sources in the area of Braviceni village.  The aim of this project is also to apply new methods in soil processing (e.g. minimisation methods, incl. establishment of 5 ha testing ground) and overall water management system to prevent harsh droughts effects in the future. The overall focus of this project is to develop a replicable model in the Republic of Moldova.

Ircon > References > Moldova > Implementation anti-drought measures in Braviceni, Moldova